Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Weekend Had WAY More Drama Than Yours!

This is going to be the most colorful thing I have ever posted on the internet.. And by colorful, I mean you should probably be 18 if you plan to read it. It is nothing sexual, but lets just say if I were speaking on live television, all you would hear is a continuous beep!
So let me be one of the 9 million people to be the "first to say," that marriage sucks. I mean yeah, if you are both committed it can be the most amazing adventure of your life, but if you aren't both trying to make it work, it wont. I have been married for 2 years, and don't get me wrong, the first 2 seconds were great! It isn't until after the sparks have gone out and the bills start appearing, that you start to realize there is more to marriage than just babies and sex. Sure, you can change your last name which is exciting, until you realize how much paperwork you have to fill out all over the place. Then, after going through all that, you have to face the fact that you are stuck with a bunch of crazies.
When I got married, I thought I was marrying my husband. Let me say that I was getting way more than I bargained for! I married my husband, but I also apparently married his ENTIRE family.
Now, 2 years in, we have a daughter, and we live with my husbands parents, and his brother. Which isn't actually uncommon here in NYC. If only his family had common courtesy. My daughter isn't even one yet, she is a typical baby. She makes messes, screams and acts like a baby should. But according to my mother in law, I should follow her around like the people that scoop horse shit. Are you kidding me?!
My daughter was in her walker, and eating rice.. Which is the messiest combination. She hadn't even been done eating for 5 seconds when the MIL came in saying, "Here's the deal, here's the deal. If you don't clean it, she don't eat." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? SHE IS A BABY.. BABIES MAKE MESSES.. If you can't handle that you are a fucking idiot!
So since she has no sence of communication, she starts bitching and saying that I am lazy and don't take care of my daughter. I am not someone that is used to being talked to like a dirty dish rag, so I stand up for myself, and Dominicans being the way they are, everyone just had to get involved. The MIL kept running her mouth, saying that she is my husbands mom and my baby's grandma, and that my daughter isn't just MY baby. Are you for real... You just said that she can't eat and now you are going to say that she is YOUR grandbaby..
By this point, I was sick of hearing her shit and yelled at her to shut up. My FIL had to add his two cents and yell at me to show my MIL respect and that I cant talk to her like that, and that I should GET OUT.. EXSCUSE ME ASSHOLE, MY HUSBAND PAYS RENT TOO.. BACK OFF!
Bottom line, I am so sick of being taken for granted and walked all over like a public bathroom floor. I can't exactly say that I regret having gotten married, because I absolutely cannot imagine my life without my baby, but I can say that I am done being ignored. I deserve better, and I can't spend the rest of my life waiting!

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