Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Vacation + Murphy's Law = Disaster!

So this year, I took my "annual" vacation a few months earlier than usual, because I will be way to close to my due date to do it later on.. Anyway, it seemed like the entire time I was gone everything that could go wrong, went wrong.
My first week, I was in a car accident. I was leaving the other "Spice Girl's" house, turning left at an intersection, when I was t-boned by a lady in a green bug. My car spun around, and as soon as it stopped moving, I jumped out, ran around to the other side, and removed my child from her car seat. I stood there trying to comfort her when the other driver decided it would be a good idea to approach me and repeatedly apologize, saying "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Over and over again!
Then two days later, my nephew was in a car accident. He and his girlfriend went over a cliff, and she died. I was so numb when I read the news report. I had just seen them the night before. It honestly seemed like any and every bad thing possible was happening..
A week later, we went to Salt Lake City to pick up my youngest sibling who had been visiting family. On the way home, my mom's car broke down.. It was hot! I was cranky. Why was all this happening..
I decided I needed to fly home and surprise my husband for our anniversary. Upon my arrival, we discovered that his 10 year old ferret was sick. We watched over him for a night, and fed him through a syringe. When it was clear that he wasn't doing any better, we took him to the vet. She told us he had pancreatic cancer, and that there wasn't much she could do. So we had to put him to sleep to end his suffering.
June has been a horrible month for me.. All I can say is that I am really hoping something amazing happens in July. I don't think I can handle anymore pain, sadness or heartache!

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