Saturday, January 17, 2015

Toys R Us..? More like Giant R Us......

Call me a tourist, but I absolutely love Time Square.. All the people (even though most of them are assholes,) all the street vendors, even though most of them smell like pot, all the stores.. I am not kidding when I say that Time Square has the biggest Toys R Us that I have EVER seen in my life. It has 2 main floors, a lower level and a 3rd floor with a little arcade. It is positively ridiculous!
I went in there for the first time yesterday, and I was in there for almost 3 hours! And I never even made it to the lower level. I know it's called "Toys R Us" but I think I was more fascinated than any of the kids there!
They have a little Willy Wonka themed area with giant sized boxes of Nerds and so much more. There is also another area with candy.. Like 2 pound Gummy Bears, and boxes of candy the size of a box of cereal containing 1.5 pounds of gummy worms and such.. CRAZY!!!
There is  FERRIS WHEEL inside the store reaching all the levels in the store! There is a Tyrannosaurs Rex that is probably the size of a school bus on end.. There is a truck being held up by Superman.. Its pretty fantastic!
I can't wait to go back and spend 3 more hours just wandering around...

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