Monday, January 19, 2015

"Somewhere in America" (Belissa Escoloedo, Zariya Allen, Rhiannon McGavin)

And now for something meaningful--

here in America in every single state

they have a set of standards for every subject
a collection of lessons that the teacher's
required to teach by the end of the term

but the greatest lessons you will ever teach us
will not come from your syllabus.

the greatest lessons you will ever teach us
you will not even remember

you never told us what we weren't allowed to say
we just learned how to hold our tongues

now somewhere in America there is a child
holding a copy of "Catcher in the Rye"
and there is a child holding a gun.

but only one of these things have been banned
by their state government and
it's not the one that can rip through flesh

it's the one that says "fuck you"
on more pages than one

because we must control what the people say
how they think.

and if they wanna become the overseer
of their own selves

then we'll show them a real one
and somewhere in America

there's a child sitting at his mother's computer

reading the homepage of the KKK's website

and that's open to the public

but that child will have never read
"To Kill a Mockingbird"

because his school has banned it
for its use of the n-word

Maya Angelou is prohibited
because we're not allowed to talk
about rape in school

we were taught that just because
something happens doesn't mean
you are to talk about it

they build us brand-new shopping malls

so that we'll forget where we're really standing
on the bones of the Hispanics
on the bones of the slaves
on the bones of the Native Americans
on the bones of those who fought just to speak

trans-continental railroad to Japanese internment camps

there are things missing from our history books

but we were taught that
it is better to be silent
than to make them uncomfortable

somewhere in America

private school girls
search for hours through boutiques
trying to find the prom dress of their dreams

while kids on the south side spend hours
searching through the lost and found

'cause winter's coming soon
and that's the only jacket they have

kids are late to class for working the midnight shift

they give awards for best attendance
but not for keeping your family off the streets

these kids will call your music "ghetto"
they will tell you you don't talk right

then they'll get in the backseat
of a car with all their friends

singing about how they're
"about that life"
and "we can't stop"

somewhere in America

schools are promoting self-confidence

while they whip out their scales
and shout out your body fat percentage in class

where the heftier girls are hiding away
and the slim/fit beauties can't help but giggle with pride

the preppy kids go thrift shopping
because they think it sounds real fun

but we go because that's all we've got money for
'cause Mamma works for the city
Mamma only gets paid once a month
somewhere in America

a girl is getting felt up by a grown man on the subway

she's still in her school uniform and that's part of the appeal

it's hard to run in knee-socks and Mary-Janes

and all her male teachers know it, too

coaches cover up star-players
raping freshmen after the dance

women are killed for rejecting dates

but God forbid I bring my girlfriend to prom

a girl is blackout drunk at the after-party

take a picture before her wounds wake her

how many pimples is your sanity worth?

what's a 4.0 to a cold jury?

what'd you learn in class today?

don't walk fast

don't speak loud

keep your hands to yourself

keep your head down

keep your eyes on your own paper
if you don't know the answer

fill in 'c'

always wear ear buds
when you ride the bus alone
if you feel like someone's following you

pretend you're on the phone

My teacher never fails

only you do
every state in America
the greatest lessons

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